Category: Pets

What Foods Cause Plaque On Dog’s Teeth?

What Foods Cause Plaque On Dog’s Teeth?

Plaque is the clingy coating that forms on the teeth of both you and your dog. When food that dogs chew remains on their teeth, germs form a sticky film that sticks to the teeth. If not removed, these germs start to multiply. Your dog is more likely to have a dental issue the more […]

How to Remove Hardened Plaque From Dog’s Teeth?

How to Remove Hardened Plaque From Dog’s Teeth?

Your veterinarian often needs to eliminate tartar accumulation. Your dog may have significant tartar accumulation if they have really terrible breath, act like they are pawing at their mouth, or drop food while they eat. You can keep your dog healthy for a very long time by keeping this plaque off of their teeth, adding […]

How Can I Get Plaque Off My Dog’s Teeth Naturally?

How Can I Get Plaque Off My Dog’s Teeth Naturally?

Brush Your Dog’s Teeth You should have a strategy, the necessary tools, and lots of patience if you want to make cleaning your dog’s teeth as stress-free as possible for both of you. Once your dog gets used to daily tooth brushing they will actually enjoy the whole process as a bonding activity with you.  […]

How Much Does it Cost to Remove Plaque From Your Dog’s Teeth?

How Much Does it Cost to Remove Plaque From Your Dog’s Teeth?

The idea that dogs automatically brush their teeth while they chew on toys or treats is a prevalent one. Dogs have plaque and tartar accumulation, which causes foul breath and poor dental health. Dog teeth cleaning prices might increase if you put off taking care of the issue. If you do, serious problems, including tooth […]

When Should You Start Brushing Your Dog’s Teeth?

When Should You Start Brushing Your Dog’s Teeth?

Dogs’ oral health is equally as vital as people’s. Your dog’s teeth can accumulate plaque and germs if you don’t brush them, which might cause gum disease. Early tooth cleaning can help you prevent future dental and gum issues that might cause your puppy pain.  It’s crucial to begin brushing your puppy’s teeth between the […]

Who Has More Teeth, Dogs or Cats?

Who Has More Teeth, Dogs or Cats?

Dogs with poor dental hygiene often have nauseating breath. Abscessed teeth are exuding pus, which is a foul-smelling substance. Naturally, the pus washes over the tongue, gums, and teeth. You can smell a bad tooth even if you cannot see it. Compared to cats, dogs experience more abscessed teeth. Additionally, dogs are more inclined than […]

Reasons Why Dogs Grind Their Teeth

Reasons Why Dogs Grind Their Teeth

There are several potential causes for dogs to grind their teeth. The grinding may be a sign of stress or a symptom of an underlying medical condition. Dog teeth grinding, also known as bruxism, is often brought on by discomfort in the dog’s mouth or stomach. It’s crucial to see your vet since continual grinding […]

How to Care for Your Dog’s Teeth Daily

How to Care for Your Dog’s Teeth Daily

Use Toothpaste to Brush Your Dog’s Teeth Brushing your dog’s teeth is the cornerstone of excellent oral health for canines. It’s best to wash your dog’s teeth every day, just like with people. If you don’t have time for that, at least once a week of tooth brushing will do, albeit the more often the […]

How to Know the Age of Your Dog According to its Teeth

How to Know the Age of Your Dog According to its Teeth

Dogs, like humans, only have two sets of teeth: baby and adult, according to Creevy. The adult teeth start to erupt in humans in late childhood and early adolescence. This happens during the first six months of a dog’s life. Once all of the adult permanent teeth have appeared, they only undergo gradual changes due […]