Dogs’ oral health is equally as vital as people’s. Your dog’s teeth can accumulate plaque and germs if you don’t brush them, which might cause gum disease. Early tooth cleaning can help you prevent future dental and gum issues that might cause your puppy pain.
It’s crucial to begin brushing your puppy’s teeth between the ages of eight and sixteen weeks since delaying will make it more difficult for them to become acclimated to the daily ritual. That’s correct, just as you clean your own teeth before sleep, you should also brush your dog’s teeth every day. Dogs that do not get sufficient dental care may not develop cavities, but they may develop gum disease. Since your dog cannot properly clean their teeth on their own, it is up to you to help them out.
There’s a high chance that your dog has no idea what foul breath is. They probably wouldn’t care even if they had done. The only time your dog may consider their mouth is if it begins to bother when eating becomes chronically uncomfortable. The less resistance they will likely exhibit over time, the sooner you begin working with your dog with a toothbrush.
When to Start Brushing
There is no set age at which you should begin cleaning your dog’s teeth. The earlier you start, the better, even if it’s not quite essential to start until he starts losing his puppy teeth and gets his permanent adult teeth, which happens between 4 and 6 months of age. While you regularly wash his teeth when he is a small puppy, he will get used to you doing it, which will make it much simpler for you when he is an adult.
What you’ll need
Just like you, your dog will want a toothbrush and some toothpaste before you begin. Purchase specialized dog toothpaste since the taste is more appealing to your puppy. Always steer clear of human toothpaste since it often includes the dog-toxic chemical xylitol as well as other components meant to be spat out rather than consumed. You can purchase toothbrushes created for dogs, but a regular human toothbrush with a tiny head, like one meant for kids, would work just as well.
Getting Started
When initially cleaning your dog’s teeth, go gentle. If you scare him, he can be reluctant to clean his teeth for a very long time. Simply place your fingers in his mouth and run them along his teeth to start. Then before you attempt to put the toothpaste in his mouth, let him smell, examine, and taste the toothbrush. When you’re done, give him a reward and make a big deal out of it to help him remember it as a good experience.
Maintaining a Good Routine
If you want to keep your puppy’s teeth healthy for many years to come, it’s crucial to establish a regular regimen. Ideally, you ought to give your dog daily tooth brushing. Choose a time, maybe just before nightfall, after brushing your own teeth, and stick to it so that you can more easily remember. If you constantly lavishly praise your puppy once you’re done, he’ll start to look forward to getting his teeth brushed every day.
Your dog will be easier to train to wash his teeth if you begin doing so as soon as possible. This is simply due to the fact that newborn puppies are far more tolerant of novelty as they have not yet learned to object. Brush your dog’s teeth every day, ideally at the same time each day. He may not be able to develop cavities, but gum disease still has the potential to cause tooth loss.