How to Know the Age of Your Dog According to its Teeth

Dogs, like humans, only have two sets of teeth: baby and adult, according to Creevy. The adult teeth start to erupt in humans in late childhood and early adolescence. This happens during the first six months of a dog’s life.

Once all of the adult permanent teeth have appeared, they only undergo gradual changes due to the buildup of tartar, stains, or other disease-related symptoms. The speeds at which these changes take place vary significantly depending on the dog’s facial shape, breed history, nutrition, and dental care given.

People claim that looking at a dog’s teeth is the most accurate method to determine its age. By observing the development of their chompers, you may determine your dog’s approximate age if they are still puppies. When a puppy is under four weeks old, it probably won’t have any teeth at all, whereas pups that are between four and eight weeks old have sharp, temporary teeth. At approximately three or four months of age, your puppy will begin to develop its permanent teeth, and these teeth will stay spotless and white for another year or so.

Your dog’s teeth could start to exhibit some deterioration after the first year of life. You will first see stains and plaque on the teeth just behind their mouth. Most dogs’ teeth begin to yellow and have noticeable plaque around the age of three. Dogs around the age of five often have a lot of tartar, less angular teeth, or even somewhat worn down teeth, and a higher risk of dental disorders. Additionally, dogs over 10 years old often have loose, broken, or missing teeth.


For dogs, it happens between four and six weeks. Incisors are pointed teeth that are used to rip food into bite-sized pieces. These are simply temporary teeth, and soon permanent incisors will take their place. 

Baby canine teeth start to erupt between three and four weeks in dogs. The upper teeth in the mouth, known as canines, resemble fangs. Baby premolars and incisors begin to erupt in dogs between the ages of four and six weeks. Premolars are utilized to crush food and are found at the rear of the upper and lower jaws.

All of your puppy baby teeth will have come in by the time they are barely two months old. The baby teeth will eventually be replaced by permanent incisors, canines, premolars, and molars over the course of the next ten months. If you discover any of these baby teeth in your house, don’t be shocked. Most pups have white teeth that are completely intact at one year of age.

Adult Dogs 

Your dog’s teeth may start to look a bit yellow between the ages of one and two, and tartar may start to form. When plaque sits on the teeth for an extended period of time, it transforms into tartar, a hard, dark deposit. Daily teeth brushing helps to remove plaque and stop it from hardening into tartar. Plaque and tartar may cause gum disease and tooth decay in pets, therefore routine dental cleanings at the vet’s office help prevent these conditions.

Over the next years, tartar may continue to accumulate and you could also see some damage on your pet’s teeth. Between the ages of five and ten, your dog is more likely to experience wear and gum disease. Due to gum disease or dental decay, elderly dogs may ultimately lose their teeth, and their teeth may also be somewhat worn.

Age estimation based on dental health is not a precise science. Yorkshire terriers, greyhounds, poodles, and Maltese dogs are just a few of the breeds that are more prone to dental problems or early tooth loss.