Signs Your Dog Doesn’t Feel Well

Regardless of your dog’s age, you have a significant impact on its ability to fend against disease and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Keep in mind that while they cannot tell you how they feel, your dog can display indications of illness. One method to lessen the likelihood that your pet will contract the most prevalent diseases is to be aware of their symptoms.

Your dog can offer you hints even though it cannot communicate its illness to you. Since you interact with your dog every day and decide when they need to visit the vet, you serve as their primary healthcare provider. Here are some queries to consider when assessing your dog’s health.

Does Your Dog’s Temperature Seem Unusual?

Between 99.5 and 102.5 degrees Fahrenheit is considered normal, but it’s important to remember that your dog can become ill without developing a fever. Call your vet for guidance if your dog’s temperature is outside of this range.

Is The Hue of His Gum Off Color?

Generally speaking, a healthy dog should have pink gums that become white when your thumb is pressed against them within two seconds of you lifting your thumb. Gums that seem paler than usual or bluish gray may point to a medical condition that requires care.

Is Your Dog Acting Normal?

A common indication of sickness is lethargy. Your dog may have less energy when he’s not feeling well. You should call your veterinarian if your dog exhibits any strange behavior, such as hiding, pacing, becoming listless, having trouble breathing, or having trouble walking.

Is Your Dog Eating, Drinking, and Urinating Normally?

When a dog is ill, they frequently don’t want to eat. Don’t disregard your dog’s apparent increase in appetite, though; several illnesses can also result in this. Increased urine and thirst could be symptoms of diabetes or kidney disease, among other illnesses. Urinary tract infections or stones may be the cause of frequent, hurried attempts to urinate, especially if only tiny amounts are generated or if they are accompanied by symptoms of discomfort or blood. Being unable to urinate is a serious emergency.

Is Your Dog Throwing up?

Regular vomiting is not usually a cause for concern, but if your dog throws up foreign objects (like pieces of bone) or blood, has accompanying fever or pain, tries to throw up but is unsuccessful, or if the vomiting lasts for more than a few hours, call your veterinarian right away. Long-lasting vomiting may lead to dehydration.

Does Your Dog Have The Flu?

There are numerous causes of diarrhea in dogs. Dogs frequently have diarrhea after consuming something that is not typically part of their diet, but several ailments can also result in diarrhea. Calling the vet is necessary if you have bloody, watery, or diarrhea that is also accompanied by vomiting, fever, or other symptoms of the disease. Long-lasting diarrhea might dehydrate them.


Preventive care screening can help you avoid major medical costs and risks to your dog’s health if an illness remains undiagnosed. It also helps discover disease in its earlier stages, when it is most likely to react to treatment. Additionally, by establishing the usual baseline laboratory values for your pet during health, your physician and you will be better able to recognize when something is wrong with your pet. The most effective preventative medicine is annual screening!