For dogs, it might be a little challenging to align the upper and lower jaws and teeth. An underbite malocclusion is typical and healthy as long as the dog can comfortably chew and consume solid food and their bite is functioning. In truth, the lower dog jaw is sometimes a bit longer than the upper dog jaw in several breeds. An underbite in a dog that just affects the jaw is referred to as a skeletal malocclusion.
Dogs with underbites run the risk of developing dental problems in the future, and they may experience persistent discomfort or have trouble chewing. Consult your veterinarian if your dog has an underbite and you are concerned about the condition of its teeth. In dogs, an underbite is more than simply an aesthetic problem.
While some canines may adapt to small instances, significant ones might compromise a dog’s dental health. In rare cases, braces may be used to treat an underbite in pups. But extraction and filling are other options. The kind of malocclusion your puppy has, its age, health, and other circumstances will all affect the treatment choices available to you.
Occlusion: What Does it Mean?
Occlusion is a word used to describe how teeth are positioned in relation to one another. A “normal” occlusion is one in which the upper incisors barely overlap the lower incisors (scissor bite), the lower canines are positioned so that they are equally spaced from the upper canines and the upper third incisors, and the lower jaw’s premolar crown tips point into the spaces left by the upper jaw teeth.
As a result of the lower jaw protruding in front of the upper jaw and altering the aforementioned tooth-to-tooth ratios, flat-faced breeds like Boxer Dogs, Shih-Tzus, Boston Terriers, and Lhasa Apsos have “abnormal” bites that are accepted as being “normal” for their breed.
What is Malocclusion?
An improper tooth alignment is referred to as malocclusion. Skeletal and dental malocclusions are the two varieties. When the teeth are misaligned due to an abnormally long jaw, this is known as skeletal malocclusion. When the upper and lower jaw lengths are normal but one or more teeth are out of place (malpositioned tooth/teeth), this is referred to as a dental malocclusion or malposition.
What’s an Underbite?
The disorder is known by a variety of technical and medical terms. They all pertain to the same relative location of the canine’s lower and upper jaws’ teeth, where the lower jaw protrudes further than the upper jaw. Because of the unusual ways that the teeth touch as a consequence of the varied jaw lengths, malocclusion develops.
What Brings About an Underbite?
The majority of us have some understanding of how dogs’ skeletons have changed through time as a result of the practice of pure breeding. Skeletal malocclusion is not only accepted as natural but also required among dogs reared to participate in conformation shows in several short-muzzled, dog breeds. This is mostly due to the adoption of breed standards.
Can a Canine Underbite be Corrected?
Skeletal malocclusion does not often need to be treated. A misaligned tooth may often be left alone if there is no danger that it would harm the dog’s mouth. However, physical traumas from misaligned teeth that often and inappropriately come into touch with the inside of the mouth may result in issues including infections and cyst development, and they can even hasten the decaying of teeth. In addition to causing discomfort, baby teeth that do not erupt normally or stay impacted may cause discomfort.
Canine dental professionals may be able to help if the condition is present or if there is a chance that the development of an underbite may result in serious health problems, albeit these choices can be expensive. After identifying the issue and the damaged regions, treatments might include everything from corrective surgery to the extraction of misplaced teeth and dog braces.