What should I do if I have a Chipped Tooth?

What Should I Do if I Have a Chipped Tooth?

Broken, cracked, or chipped teeth may hurt a lot. The health of your teeth and the sort of injury will determine whether the damage to your teeth is minor or severe.  There is no permanent cure unless the injury is a little chip, which requires a trip to the dentist. The best course of action is to deal with the discomfort while safeguarding your teeth and the interior of your mouth to prevent additional harm.

In most cases, tooth chips are not dangerous and are relatively frequent. However, there is a chance of infection and tooth loss if the damage extends beyond the enamel of your tooth. It may also be uncomfortable.

For these reasons, if you have a chipped tooth, you should call your dentist right away to schedule an appointment. Bring the shattered portion of your tooth to your dental visit if you can, as your dentist may be able to reconnect it.

Chipped tooth pain relief

To reduce swelling, rinse your mouth thoroughly with warm water and regularly apply cold compresses to the outer region. Anti-inflammatories and painkillers are available over-the-counter (OTC), but you should only take them in the prescribed amount. Applying clove oil will work, too. Eugenol, a numbing substance with anti-inflammatory qualities, is present in the oil.

How to guard your mouth before seeing a dentist

Apply dental wax over the edge of a tooth with a minor chip and a sharp edge to prevent it from slashing your tongue or hurting your mouth. If you have a significant chip in your teeth or a missing piece, you shouldn’t floss since you risk breaking off more of the tooth. To lessen pressure and discomfort, avoid biting on the side of the tooth that is affected. You may also try flossing the area surrounding the tooth.

You probably won’t require treatment if your chipped tooth is just slightly damaged. A jagged edge could be rounded off by your dentist using aesthetic contouring. Dental bonding may also be used to fill up any voids and cracks.

Before administering a conditioning solvent during dental bonding, the dentist will abrade the tooth. Then, they will coat your tooth with a composite resin that is tooth-colored. The resin may then be molded into the appropriate shape and reattached to the chip.

Small Chips

Some Glendale residents simply see a chipped tooth as a cosmetic dental issue. This is often true for little chips in teeth that are not big enough to harm the enamel or the delicate layers under your enamel.

Medium Chips

You run the risk of endangering the health of your tooth if your chip is medium-sized or big enough to compromise some of the layers under the enamel. This is particularly true if you delay receiving expert dental treatment for a chipped tooth after it happens.

Large Chips

The largest potential issues are often those with large chips. They stand out the most in terms of aesthetics. This often suggests that you should take care of them very away, which is wise since they frequently have the highest risk of having a nerve exposed and causing severe discomfort.

How a Chipped Tooth Can Be Repaired by Your Dentist

Your dentist may fix your chipped tooth in a number of ways, depending on the kind of chip and the severity of the damage. To eliminate jagged edges, small, superficial chips may simply be smoothed. A dental filling may be necessary for chipped molars, whereas bonding may be preferable for front teeth. To conceal aesthetic damage, porcelain veneers could also be a possibility.

Your dentist could apply a dental crown to a tooth with a very significant break to stop future harm. A root canal may be necessary to clean out the interior of the tooth and seal the region if the injury damages the pulp of the tooth.

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