What Dental Problems Are Caused by Stress?

What Dental Problems Are Caused by Stress?

Most people are unaware that stress has a significant impact on their dental health despite the fact that we have all heard about how bad stress is for our mental health and some of the physical ailments it can cause. Your teeth and gums may suffer severely from excessive stress. Here is a summary of a few ways stress may harm your teeth, along with advice on how to cope.

Tooth fractures

Due to normal wear and tear, almost all teeth contain minuscule fissures and fractures. These little fissures are not an issue on their own. But when we’re anxious, we frequently grind our teeth unconsciously while sleeping and clench our jaws. Teeth can fracture and break when there is too much pressure on those tiny fissures.

Teeth grinding (bruxism)

TMJ Bruxism, jaw pain after waking up, and teeth grinding. Both children and adults can experience teeth grinding, which is a common disorder. According to research, 10% of adults grind their teeth while they sleep at night, and about one-third of adults do so during the day.

Over time, teeth grinding wears down the surface of the teeth, eventually flattening the tips of the teeth. However, teeth grinders may first experience jaw stiffness, earaches, headaches, and pain.

Sensitive teeth

The enamel, or the tooth’s outer protective layer, may get damaged as a result of teeth grinding and jaw clenching. Although tooth enamel is the body’s strongest tissue, it is also the thinnest and is susceptible to deterioration over time. Extreme sensitivity to hot, cold, sweet, or sour meals may result from dental enamel erosion.

Since tooth enamel cannot be replaced by the body, it is advisable to see a dentist if you are noticing an increase in dental sensitivity. The dentist may advise you on how to stop further enamel loss and how to fortify your existing enamel.

Canker sores

On the gums or the interior of your mouth, canker sores are tiny ulcerations. Though they are neither hazardous nor severe, they may be extremely painful and make eating somewhat difficult. Researchers have connected canker sores to stress, however, the specific reason is unknown. According to at least one research, when stress levels are lower than they are throughout the school year, kids are far less likely to develop canker sores.

Gum disease

Gum disease is most often brought on by poor oral hygiene. And scientists believe that’s one-way stress may contribute to gum disease: Stressed-out individuals are more prone to smoke, ignore dental hygiene, and consume sugary or acidic meals that encourage gum disease. According to some studies, stress hormones encourage the growth of bacteria that are linked to the development of gum disease.

Dry mouth

Decreased salivation leads to dry mouth. According to research, stress, worry, and depression may cause your salivary glands to produce less, which can result in a dry mouth. When feeling stressed, many individuals may breathe through their mouths, which may further dry up oral tissues. Although having a dry mouth may not seem like a big deal, generating adequate saliva is crucial for maintaining good dental health. 

Saliva helps to prevent cavities and gingivitis by cleaning out the germs and food particles in your mouth. As a result of a dry mouth, germs and food particles might remain in your mouth and on your teeth. This may dramatically raise your risk for tooth decay and cavities.

Increasing saliva production by consuming plenty of water is one technique to treat dry mouth. A non-alcoholic mouthwash rinse may also assist in reducing dry mouth. Consult your dentist if your dry mouth persists after your stressful time is over so they can determine the cause, offer the best treatment, and take steps to prevent tooth decay.

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